The challenging LIONS PORTAL is not a destination, a place or a gateway to paradise, but simply a path that we walk individually and collectively at the same time. Where the heart is present, steps can be taken.



The challenging LIONS PORTAL is not a destination, a place or a gateway to paradise,

but simply a path that we walk individually and collectively at the same time. Where the

heart is present, steps can be taken.

If a destructive contact can be transformed, then be inexorably committed to the MANI-

FEST-ATION of the common good. However, if change is not foreseeable, if arrogance,

jealousy or feelings of inferiority come to the fore, then stand up all the stronger for

yourself and for your own heart, let go of these destructive situations and connections for a

moment, let them come to rest mentally at least for a few moments to zero - be in stillness

- enjoy stillness whilst breathing - also breathe the fullness and emptiness of breath

consciously. In stillness you risk everything (loss of the usual outer world) in order to gain

everything, namely:

To be present again as a uniquely courageous being in the HERE and to act

compassionately with yourself in the NOW.

The indigenous peoples of the Andes, the Amazon and the Peruvian cosmology have

passed on to us wonderful plants and powerful rituals to create our unique path at the

same time in a communally compassionate way:

Ceremony of Gratitude and Despachos

Cacao Ceremony

Munay Meditation

and much more

Learn now about the indigenous wisdom from the Andes, about the spirit of cocoa

and how you can organise and lead celebrations and ceremonies yourself!

Your SONQO CACAO COURSE will start soon and is structured in four modules:

Module 1 - Online

29.9.-1.10.23 each morning

Module 2 - Online

27-29 October 2023 each morning

Module 3 - Online

8-10 December 2023 each morning

Module 4 - Switzerland

25-28 January 2024 each full day incl. evenings

Module 1 already offers a lot of background knowledge and practical experience. And you

also get this module for only CHF 35 instead of CHF 350. You can find more information in

the following link or book your place right now HERE.

You have been dreaming of leading a Cacao Ceremony shamanically yourself for a long

time? Then book the whole course now and benefit from the discount: HERE.

In great anticipation we heartily welcome you to the SONQO CACAO COURSE!

Ángel & Aline with the SONQO team