Peru · April 20 - May 1 2025
Practice ancient shamanic healing at the Andean places of power and awake the shaman in you
“From the Sacred Valley via Cusco up to Ausangate (optional), we experience Andean cosmology in all its beauty. The trip is ideal for carriers of shamanic medicine who find their way directly to the source and benefit from it sustainably. Newcomers have the unique opportunity to plant new seeds of Munay in their essence with a fresh beginner's spirit.“ One of the many highlights is the teachings led by Paqo Qeros family with Angel and Michael. You will hike the legendary Inca Trail, where we reach the miraculous city of Machu Picchu via the Sun Gate. Powerful healers stand by us in these magical places and lead us to convey these breathtaking experiences through ancient rites - against the magnificent backdrop of the snowy high Andean peaks. With their guidance, we open our hearts to see the Creator in us, to bring the felt power of these places into our homes, into our lives.
Upon arrival (around 5pm) your spiritual guide Angel will welcome you with open arms. You will head towards the lower altitudes, warmer climate and peaceful environment of the Sacred Valley. The next few days you will stay at a beautiful retreat center in San Salvador, located in the high Andes Mountains. You will participate in an Andean Blessing Ceremony to Pachamama (Mother Earth) performed by an Andean Priest. This ceremony invokes the help and energy of the Apus (Mountains) and Pachamama for the health, wellbeing and happiness of each participant. The rest of the day you have time to relax and get used to the high altitude.
Bei deiner Ankunft (gegen 17:00 Uhr) wird dich dein spiritueller Führer Angel mit offenen Armen empfangen. Gemeinsam brechen wir auf in die niedrigeren Höhen, in das wärmere Klima und die friedliche Umgebung des berühmten "Heiligen Tals". Die nächsten Tage verbringst du in einem wunderschönen Retreatzentrum in San Salvador, das in den hohen Anden liegt. Du wirst an einer Anden-Segenszeremonie für Pachamama (Mutter Erde) teilnehmen, die von einem Andenpriester durchgeführt wird. Diese Zeremonie ruft die Hilfe und Energie der Apus (Berge) und Pachamama für die Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden und das Glück auf. Den Rest des Tages hast du Zeit, dich zu entspannen und dich an die Höhenlage zu gewöhnen.
Blessing ceremony with Shamanic Priest
Airport pick-up
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Overnight stay at retreat center
Lunch, dinner
Free Day at Retreat Center - there is also the option to go to Pisac and visit the ancient Inca ruins there. As a special T&H treat for you, we have invited the well-known Apaza family to provide their powerful and unique healing ceremonies at our center. As descendants of Maestra María Apaza, one of the very last remaining Altomesayoq (alto means ‘High’ / mesayoq means ‘One who has power’), they carry on Marias wisdom and knowledge in their very own way.
Freier Tag im Retreat Center - es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, nach Pisac zu fahren und dort die alten Inkaruinen zu besuchen. Als besonderes T&H Treat für dich, wird dir die Apaza-Familie zur Seite stehen, mit denen du kraftvolle und einzigartige Heilungszeremonien durchführen wirst. Als Nachkommen von Maestra María Apaza, einer der allerletzten verbliebenen Altomesayoq (alt bedeutet „Hoch“ / mesayoq bedeutet „Eine, die Macht hat“), tragen sie Marias Weisheit und Wissen auf ihre ganz eigene Weise weiter.
Full board (at retreat center)
Transport to Pisac
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Overnight stay at retreat center
On this day, we explore Lake Kinsa Cocha and perform different healing ceremonies with a shamanic healer from the Qeros Nation. The Apaza healers are with us and will support our ceremonies with their experience and wisdom, guiding you through your personal journey.
(option 2: 3 Days Ayahuasca Healing Retreat)
Am heutigen Tag, erleben wir den magischen Bergsee "Kinsa Cocha" und führen verschiedene Heilungszeremonien mit einem schamanischen Heiler der Qeros Nation durch. Die Apaza-Heiler sind bei uns und werden unsere Zeremonien mit ihrer Erfahrung und Weisheit unterstützen und Sie durch Ihre persönliche Reise führen. (Option 2: 3 Tage Ayahuasca Healing Retreat)
Boxed lunch
Transportation for the day
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Healing sessions with shaman
Overnight stay at retreat center
Today, you will learn more about the ancient Inca principles, such as Munay-Llachay and Yachay. You will participate in a Munay Meditation about the principle of unconditional love and learn, how to integrate it into your daily life.
(Option 2: Today is the second Ayahuasca ceremony and for the rest of the group.)
Heute erfährst du mehr über die altertümlichen Inka-Prinzipien wie Munay-Llachay und Yachay. Du nimmst an einer Munay-Meditation über das Prinzip der bedingungslosen Liebe teil und lernst, wie du das Prinzip von Munay auch in deinem Alltag anwenden kannst. (Option 2: Heute ist der zweite Tag der Ayahuasca Heilung)
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Meditation & learning session
Overnight stay at retreat center
On your last day you will start your day with an organic breakfast. Later, our shaman will perform an offering to Mother Earth. It is an important ceremony in the Andes culture to show gratitude to Pachamama (Mother Earth) for everything she has been giving to us. You have the opportunity to buy some local handicrafts from the shamanic healers before we travel to Ollantaytambo.
An deinem letzten Tag im heiligen Tal startest du mit einem organischem Frühstück in den Tag. Später wird unser Schamane eine Mother Earth Offering durchführen. Es ist eine wichtige Zeremonie in der Andenkultur, Pachamama (Mutter Erde) für alles zu danken, was sie uns gegeben hat. Du hast ebenso die Möglichkeit, bei den schamanischen Heilern lokales Kunsthandwerk kaufen, bevor es weiter nach Ollantaytambo geht.
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Offering to Mother Earth (ceremony)
Transportation to Ollantaytambo
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Ollantaytambo
Early in the morning, you will go to Ñaupa Iglesia, one of the most interesting carved-stone temples. Later, you explore the unique site of Ollantaytambo. The Inca complex there was built to protect the valley from invasions from the rainforest. (with Bryan Forester if available)
Am frühen Morgen erkunden wir den Steintempel von Ñaupa Iglesia und werden später zurn einzigartige Stätte von Ollantaytambo gelangen. Der dortige Inka-Komplex wurde gebaut, um das Tal vor Invasionen aus dem Regenwald zu schützen. Lasse dich ganz auf diesen besonderen Ort ein und horche auf dein Gefühl.
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Visit of Ollantaytambo site with local guide
Visit of Ñaupa Iglesia
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Ollantaytambo
After a large breakfast, you will be brought to Lucmabamba. There you will visit a beautiful cacao farm and learn more about the cacao fruits and each step of the artesanal cacao production. In the afternoon, you take the train from Hidroelectrica to Aguas Calientes and to our beautiful hotel at the roots of Machu Picchu.
Nach einem reichhaltigen Frühstück werden wir nach Lucmabamba gebracht. Dort besuchen wir eine KaKao Farm und erfahren mehr über die Kakaofrüchte und den genauen Prozess der Kakaoproduktion. Am Nachmittag nehmen wir den Zug von Hidroelectrica nach Aguas Calientes, zu unserem wunderschönen Hotel am Fuße des Machu Picchu.
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Transportation to Lucmabamba
Excursion to cacao plantation
Train Hidroelectrica - Aguas Calientes
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Aguas Calientes
Early in the morning, you will catch the train to the trailhead at Km.104. You will visit the nearby ruins of Chachabamba and then begin the four-hour, 8km ascent to join the classic Inca Trail at the impressive Wiñaywayna archaeological complex. This consists of an agricultural sector with numerous terraces, and beautiful religious and urban centers. On the way up, you will take in magnificent views of the Urubamba River Valley, the Choquesuysuy archaeological complex on the opposite side of the river, and a beautiful waterfall minutes away from Wiñaywayna. Leaving Wiñaywayna, an hour’s trek along a trail of flat stones on the edges of the highland jungle cliffs brings us to the ‘Intipunku’ (Sun Gate), the ceremonial gateway into Machu Picchu. You will get our first glimpse of the sacred citadel of Machu Picchu from here. Later, you will descend to Machu Picchu and travel by bus to Aguas Calientes and relax in a hotel.
Am frühen Morgen nehmen wir den Zug zum Ausgangspunkt bei Km.104. Wir besuchen die nahe gelegenen Ruinen von Chachabamba und beginnen dann den vierstündigen, 8 km langen Aufstieg zum Inka-Pfad in der Nähe des archäologischen Komplex von Wiñaywayna. Dieser besteht aus einem landwirtschaftlichen Sektor mit zahlreichen Terrassen und städtischen Zentren. Auf dem Weg nach oben kannst du einen herrlichen Blick auf das Tal des Urubamba-Flusses und den archäologischen Komplex Choquesuysuy genießen. Sobald wir Wiñaywayna verlassen, führt eine einstündige Wanderung entlang eines Pfads aus flachen Steinen an den Rändern der Hochland-Dschungelklippen zum „Intipunku“ (Sonnentor), dem zeremoniellen Tor nach Machu Picchu. Von hier aus erhascht du den ersten Blick auf die heilige Zitadelle von Machu Picchu- ein unvergesslicher Moment. Später steigen wir gemeinsam nach Machu Picchu ab und fahren mit dem Bus nach Aguas Calientes, wo wir uns entspannen und das Erlebte in Ruhe revue passieren lassen können.
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Train Hidroelectrica - Km.104
2 Days Inca trail with local English-speaking guide
Inca trail entrance fee
Boxed lunch
Bus down to Aguas Calientes
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Aguas Calientes
Early in the morning, you will take the bus up to sacred Machu Picchu, the “Lost City of the Incas“. It is a complete town with different quarters, squares, alleys, buildings, astronomical observatories and terraces. After a guided tour, you will have free time to walk around and explore the site. In the afternoon, you will return to Aguas Calientes to take your train back to Ollantaytambo. From there, you will be brought to Cusco.
Frühmorgens nehmen wir den Bus hinauf zum heiligen Machu Picchu, der „verlorenen Stadt der Inkas“. Es ist eine komplette Stadt mit verschiedenen Vierteln, Plätzen, Gassen, Gebäuden, astronomischen Observatorien und Terrassen. Nach einer geführten Tour haben wir genügend Zeit, um die Stätte zu erkunden. Am Nachmittag kehren wir nach Aguas Calientes zurück, um Ihren Zug zurück nach Ollantaytambo zu nehmen. Von dort geht es zurück nach Cusco.
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Cusco
Bus (Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu)
Train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Transportation from train station to hotel in Cusco
DAY 10
Today you have a free day to enjoy the sounds, scents and unique atmosphere of the city of Cusco. Wander trough the small alleys, enjoy the local food and the busy markets in town, visit some artesans and craftmans, take a gaze over their shoulder while they work on extraordinary pieces. (optional activity: Shamanic Healing Ceremonies - Our Maestros from the Qeros Nation visit with you the sites of Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, and the Moon Temple, to perform individual healing ceremonies just for you. The three ceremonies are a Flower Cleansing Ceremony, a Coca Leaf Reading Ceremony, and an Offering to Pachamama, the Earth Mother. Traditional shamanic ceremonies such as these have been practiced since before the time of the Inca Empire and their Quechua culture. Participating in these shamanic ceremonies with an authentic Andean shaman will show you a new perspective on life and will allow you to develop physically and spiritually.)
Heute haben wir einen freien Tag in Cusco. Eine gute Möglichkeit, die Stadt mit all ihren Facetten zu erkunden und zu genießen.
(optionale Aktivität: Schamanische Heilungszeremonien - Unsere Maestros der Qeros-Gemeinde besuchen mit dir die heiligen Stätten von Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo und den Mondtempel, um individuelle Heilungszeremonien nur für DICH durchzuführen. Die drei Zeremonien sind eine Blumenreinigungszeremonie, eine Kokablatt-Orakellesen und eine Opfergabe an Pachamama, Mutter Erde. Traditionelle schamanische Zeremonien wie diese werden seit der Zeit des Inka-Reiches und der Quechua-Kultur praktiziert. Die Teilnahme an diesen Zeremonien mit einem authentischen Anden-Schamanen wird dir eine neue Perspektive auf das Leben zeigen.)
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Cusco
DAY 11
You will start your Cusco city tour by walking to Plaza de Armas, the center of the capital of the Incas. You will visit the Cathedral of Cusco, also known as the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin. The Cusco Cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cusco. The building is very impressive and was completed in 1654, almost a hundred years after construction began. Later, you will visit the Temple of the Sun (Qoricancha), the most important temple of the ancient Inca Empire. Afterwards, you will visit the children´s home Hogar Munay. In the evening, you will participate in a Cacao Ceremony with Angel, a beautiful ritual that has the purpose of opening your heart and cleansing your emotions.
Wir beginnen unseren Tag mit einer Cusco City Tour, einem Spaziergang zu Plaza de Armas, dem Zentrum der Hauptstadt der Inkas. Dort besuchen wir die Kathedrale von Cusco, die Mutterkirche der römisch-katholischen Erzdiözese Cusco. Das Gebäude ist beeindruckend und wurde 1654, fast hundert Jahre nach Baubeginn, fertiggestellt. Später gelangen wir zum Sonnentempel (Qoricancha), dem wichtigsten Tempel des alten Inkareiches. Anschließend besuchen wir das Kinderheim Hogar Munay. Am Abend hast du die einzigartige Möglichkeit an einer Kakaozeremonie mit Angel teilzunehmen, einem wunderschönen Ritual mit dem Ziel, das Herz zu öffnen und festgehaltene Emotionen freizulassen.
Accompaniment by English-speaking tour leader
Overnight stay at 3* hotel in Cusco
DAY 12
Today is the last day of the first stage. You are free to choose whether you want to extend the trip with us and travel to Ausangate.
Heute ist der letzte Tag der ersten Etappe. Nun kannst du dich dafür entscheiden, deine Reise mit uns zu verlängern.
11x breakfast, 3x dinner lunch, 1x lunch, 2x boxed lunch
Activities, transportation and meals as described in the itinerary
Energy Medicine Leaders (Angel & Michael )
Ancestral Ceremonies performed by Q'eros Paqo from The Last Inca Community
Cacao Ceremony with Angel
Machu Picchu entrance
Inca Trail entrance ticket
Train Hidroelectrica - Aguas Calientes - KM.104
Bus between Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu
2D/1N Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Train Aguas Calientes - Ollantaytambo
Visit of Hogar Munay
Cusco City Walking Tour
Entrance of Qoricancha and Cathedral in Cusco
Entrance of inca Ruins (Turistic Ticket)
Overnight stay at retreat center in Sacred Valley and 3* hotels the other nights
Extra costs
Cancellation & Medical Insurance (ask us for a quote)
Meals and beverages not mentioned in the program
Tip for guides, drivers & rest of the staff
Other activities or excursions that are indicated as optional or not mentioned in the itinerary
Any items of a personal nature such as laundry, drinks and telephone calls
Our fixed departure date with Michael is April 20, 2025. You will receive more details after your booking.
If you would like to bring your daughters/sons and they are 7 - 14 years young, you are very welcome to do so! A trip like this can be extraordinarily beneficial for their development and strengthen your relationship and connection to each other, themselves, and mother nature. We consider children as the dream, we dream for our future and therefore have created the possibility for them to join (most of) our activities. For an adult, it can be a new experience to travel with younger ones and might be the initiator to revive and awake the inner child again.
At the moment, you can easily enter Peru with either a vaccination certificate (older than 2 weeks) OR a valid PCR test (not older than 72hrs).
We recommend to get an own Insurance for your time in Peru.
If you are a European citizen, we highly recommend booking THIS costumizable and reliable insurance.
Please write us in case you have any specific questions.
Anyone who wishes to enter Peru must fill out the Peru Affidavit at least 72 hours before their flight. All nationalities can apply. To obtain this travel form, you'll need to provide information about your flight, health status, and intended stay in Peru. You must adhere to the country's safety protocols.
Please contact us to know the updates of requirements, since the situation can change a lot in this pandemic.
To prepare your mind and spirit for this spiritual retreat, we recommend you to do any discipline familiar to you from your own faith, such as meditation, prayer, and yoga. If you do not have a specific practice, you can send your intentions and wishes instead to all creatures in the morning and at night. Getting in the right mindset can help you to embrace your spiritual connection during this sacred trek. You can have the best shamans in the universe (Christ, Buddha, Krishna,) conducting ceremonies for you, but if your heart does not want to change nothing will happen. Only you have the power to change your destiny. Your own heart is in fact the best shaman for yourself in this universe. The best attitude is one of positivity; the right attitude includes honesty, love, patience, humility, respect, courage and a strong mental and spiritual determination. Approaching with these values will result in a fruitful experience. When you pray do not ask for miracles to mysteriously occur. Instead, ask for opportunities to create miracles with your own hands.
Flying to Cusco can be tricky because delays often occur and due to the special conditions at the airport of Cusco, it is not uncommon for flights to be cancelled. Please be sure to arrive in the city of Cusco at least two days before your trip starts. The most reliable airline is LATAM because they offer you many re-booking options in case of a flight cancellation. On your last day you will come back to Cusco around 9pm, which means that you should always book your flight the next day when leaving Cusco. National or international flights are not included in this travel program. Please contact us if you wish to make customized changes.
Read more about our Terms and Conditions as our payment policies.
Tipping is always appreciated and should completely be based on your satisfaction. Although tipping may not be usual to you, it is important to the people who’ll take care of you during your trip (drivers, translators, spiritual teachers, shamans, etc.).